mercredi 12 novembre 2014

One World Trade Center: des laveurs de vitres prisonnier d'une nacelle

Opération de sauvetage spectaculaire à New York alors que deux travailleurs sont demeurés suspendus dans une nacelle qui n'était plus accrochée que d'un seul côté.

 "New York emergency crews rescued two workers who were trapped in a window-washing scaffold dangling perilously at the 69th floor of the 1,776-foot One World Trade Center building in lower Manhattan, authorities said Wednesday.

Rescue workers tore through nearly two-inch thick, double-paned glass on the building to pull the workers to safety about 2:15 p.m., authorities said.

The men were taken to Bellevue Hospital Center to be treated for mild hypothermia, police said.

The workers had been tethered inside the apparatus, the city's fire department said earlier.

"I see two heads dangling over the scaffolding and one of the guys -- they just keep looking down," Reginald Moye, who watched the incident unfold from the 24th floor of a nearby hotel, told CNN. "They look like they're maybe five feet in the middle of the scaffold, hanging."

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