mercredi 5 novembre 2014

Paul Le Page, gouverneur américain le plus fou, conserve son poste!

Je croyais bien que Mike Michaud allait l'emporter hier soir et il semble que je n'étais pas le seul. Malgré les nombreuses controverses qui ont parsemé son parcours, Le Page conserve son poste. Comment? Cet article tente de répondre à cette question.

 How on earth did one of America’s least popular and most divisive governors get reelected?

Half of the answer is the same way LePage won in 2010, by his opponents splitting the vote between candidates. Eliot Cutler, the lawyer and one-time Carter administration official who nearly beat him in 2010, ran again, this time much less successfully, and polls indicated that about two-thirds of his supporters would otherwise back Michaud.

Polling in the low teens in the final weeks of the campaign, Cutler was under enormous pressure to bow out, especially after the Republican Governors Association started buying ads promoting his candidacy in strategic effort to undermine Michaud. But at a hastily-organized press conference Oct. 29, Cutler sent mixed messages, defiantly proclaiming he would stay in while noting that he had little chance of winning and that, therefore, was urging his supporters to vote for one of his rivals if “compelled by their fears or by their conscience.” The message was so muddled the campaign had to release a FAQ to explain what the candidate had and had not said, but that didn’t stop some of his most prominent supporters—like popular two-term governor and current U.S. Sen. Angus King—to publically switch their endorsements Michaud.

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