mardi 3 mars 2015

Hillary Clinton: des courriels compromettants?

Hillary Clinton n'aurait utilisé qu'une adresse courriel personnelle lors de son passage au Secrétariat d'État. Est-ce bien grave? Oui si on considère qu'on ne sait pas si tous les échanges effectués au nom du gouvernement américain pourraient ne pas avoir été archivés comme le veut la loi. On se demande également si ce compte était suffisamment sécurisé.

 "Mr. Merrill, the spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, declined to detail why she had chosen to conduct State Department business from her personal account. He said that because Mrs. Clinton had been sending emails to other State Department officials at their government accounts, she had “every expectation they would be retained.” He did not address emails that Mrs. Clinton may have sent to foreign leaders, people in the private sector or government officials outside the State Department.

The revelation about the private email account echoes longstanding criticisms directed at both the former secretary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, for a lack of transparency and inclination toward secrecy.

And others who, like Mrs. Clinton, are eyeing a candidacy for the White House are stressing a very different approach. Jeb Bush, who is seeking the Republican nomination for president, released a trove of emails in December from his eight years as governor of Florida.%% It is not clear whether Mrs. Clinton’s private email account included encryption or other security measures, given the sensitivity of her diplomatic activity."

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