dimanche 25 septembre 2016

"Chers modérateurs, ne vous défilez pas" (E.J. Dionne, Washington Post)

En regardant le premier débat demain je vais surveiller autant le travail de Lester Holt que les réponses et le comportement des deux candidats. Dans cet article Dionne espère que les différents modérateurs des trois débats se comporteront comme de vrais journalistes et qu'ils s'assureront de la véracité des faits présentés.

 "It tells us a great deal that the Clinton camp wants the moderators to call out the candidates when they lie, while Trump wants to leave this task to his opponent. Never has a candidate signaled as clearly as Trump that he is terrified of fact-checking.

But let’s remove this argument from a partisan frame. The notion that moderators can take themselves out of the debate is absurd. I wish we had Lincoln-Douglas style debates in which a moderator was simply a timekeeper, but we don’t. As they are currently organized, debates already give moderators enormous influence over their outcomes by virtue of the questions they ask or don’t ask, by how and when they enforce the rules, and by which questions they choose to follow up on."


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