dimanche 30 octobre 2016

James Comey doit-il démissionner? A-t-il violé la loi?

Le premier avis est celui de Paul Callan qui analyse les questions juridiques pour CNN. le second, plus partisan, est celui du meneur de la majorité démocrate au Sénat Harry Reid.

 L'avis de Callan:

 "In truth, investigations open and close routinely and secretly when new evidence comes to light. Each new scrap in a pile of useful or useless evidence is not announced in real time, like a scandal in a scripted reality TV Show. Perhaps it's time for the embattled FBI director who seems to have forgotten how to conduct a proper investigation to resign.

Comey's public announcement in July that the FBI had concluded its investigation regarding Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server in the conduct of official State Department business and would not recommend the lodging of criminal charges was historically unprecedented in a high-profile political case." L'opinion de Reid: "The Hatch Act prohibits FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Reid said that by releasing this information, which he says is not conclusive or pertinent, Comey may have broken the law. Reid referenced a memo from Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates from March of this year that establishes all Justice Department employees, including Comey, are subject to the Hatch Act.

Reid accused Comey of having intent to aid one political party over the other in the election and called his behavior a "double standard" due to the fact that, as Reid claimed in the letter, Comey has information related to Donald Trump's dealings with Russia."

 Lien pour la position de Callan:

 Lien pour la position de Reid:

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