lundi 13 mars 2017

Bannière du KKK retirée en Georgie et tensions: un signe des temps?

La campagne 2016 a ramené dans l'actualité des symboles parmi les moins glorieux de l'histoire américaine. Même s'ils ne sont pas le reflet de la majorité, certains comportements ou certaines tentatives d'intimidation causent des maux de tête aux élus et suscitent la crainte.

 "A black pickup truck parked across the street, and a muscular man got out, and a reporter from the local paper who’d just arrived told the women it was Chester Doles, a former leader in the Klan and a white-separatist group called the National Alliance who had gone to prison on federal weapons charges. He lived just outside town and was currently a personal trainer who also worked promoting “hate rock” concerts around the country. He pulled out a cellphone and began taking photographs. He said something to the women, but they couldn’t hear.

“What’s that, sir?” Kahn called out, and the women heard him say something about how “glorious” it was to see such a sign in the light of day, and then he drove off, even as more people were arriving — white-haired locals, college students and others who said they were appalled; a Native American man who brought a ladder and tried to rip the banner down; a white man who argued the KKK banner and flag should come down but not the Confederate battle flag; a young black man who stood there crying."

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