lundi 21 août 2017

Assez c'est assez: Trump menace les institutions démocratiques (L.A. Times)

L'équipe éditoriale y va d'une virulente sortie contre Donald Trump et elle presse les meneurs républicains d'agir.

 "Republicans and conservatives around the country should be just as concerned as Democrats about Trump’s conflicts of interest, his campaign’s relationship with the Russians and whether he engaged in obstruction of justice. They should call him out when he sows division, when he dog-whistles, when he emboldens bigots. They should stand up for global human rights, for constructive engagement with the rest of the world and for other shared American values that transcend party allegiances.

Rejecting the president of one’s own party could mean alienating friends, crossing allies, damaging one’s chances of advancement or risking one’s career altogether for a matter of principle. But that’s the very definition of leadership.

No one can sit on the sidelines now. It’s time for Republicans to show some spine."

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