vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Élections de mi-mandats 2018: les plus inusitées de l'histoire moderne

Quelques statistiques bien intéressantes sur le site d'Axios. Une vague bleue? Question de perspective, mais un succès indéniable pour les Démocrates.

 "The strength of this year's blue wave depends upon how you measure it:

 If you measure it by Democratic seats gained in the House, or since Watergate, or by the margin of victory in the popular vote, it was the strongest Democratic wave since the 1974 midterm election.

 If you measure it by total seats gained by any party, the Republicans did better under Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2010.%% And if you measure it by end results, 2006 was better for the Democrats — the year they won both the House and Senate under George W. Bush.

The bottom line: The split decision was no surprise, since the Senate map was historically bad for Democrats. That's why Republicans were able to survive and even improve their numbers a bit in the Senate. But it doesn't mean the wave wasn't there."

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