lundi 4 mars 2019

Géographie de l'intolérance (The Atlantic)

On réfère souvent au climat politique tendu aux États-Unis et à la fameuse polarisation. Le vénérable "The Atlantic" s'est intéressé au phénomène et en a tiré un "guide" des endroits les plus ouverts et les plus intolérants aux États-Unis. Dans l'ensemble, les gens les plus intolérants sont plus souvent des Blancs, plus âgés que la moyenne, plus éduqués et urbains.

 "In general, the most politically intolerant Americans, according to the analysis, tend to be whiter, more highly educated, older, more urban, and more partisan themselves. This finding aligns in some ways with previous research by the University of Pennsylvania professor Diana Mutz, who has found that white, highly educated people are relatively isolated from political diversity. They don’t routinely talk with people who disagree with them; this isolation makes it easier for them to caricature their ideological opponents. (In fact, people who went to graduate school have the least amount of political disagreement in their lives, as Mutz describes in her book Hearing the Other Side.) By contrast, many nonwhite Americans routinely encounter political disagreement. They have more diverse social networks, politically speaking, and therefore tend to have more complicated views of the other side, whatever side that may be.

We see this dynamic in the heat map. In some parts of the country, including swaths of North Carolina and upstate New York, people still seem to give their fellow Americans the benefit of the doubt, even when they disagree. In other places, including much of Massachusetts and Florida, people appear to have far less tolerance for political difference. They may be quicker to assume the worst about their political counterparts, on average. (For an in-depth portrait of one of the more politically tolerant counties in America, see our accompanying story on Watertown, New York.)"

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