Obama "collaborant" avec Henry Kissinger? Kissinger n'est pas le seul républicain à souhaiter que le Sénat reconduise le traité START. Un article intéressant de Maureen Dowd dans le NY Times. Il faudra bien que les républicains peint le prix de cette obstruction systématique un jour. Leur opposition maladive à Obama se fait, hélas, au détriment des intérêts de la nation.
Quelques extraits:
"Besides, a man who won the Nobel Peace Prize on layaway doesn’t want to be responsible for any loose Russian nukes ending up in the crazy ’Stans.
As Richard Wolffe notes in his new book, “Revival: The Struggle for Survival Inside the Obama White House,” the president drove Rahm Emanuel crazy by spending his first months in office toiling on the details of Start when the chief of staff was trying to get him to focus on the economy and his domestic agenda.
Nuclear arms control, Wolffe writes, was one of Obama’s first interests as a student at Columbia University. And his head is still in those wonky clouds.
“Most people don’t really give a pig’s patootie about a nuclear arms deal with Russia,” James Carville told reporters last week. But he agreed that the president needed to get out of his spineless spiral, even repeating his put-down from the Democratic primaries, that if Hillary gave Barry one of her spheres of testicular fortitude, “they’d both have two.”"
"In The Washington Post recently, Robert Kagan advised his fellow conservatives to show maturity and readiness to govern: “Blocking the treaty will produce three unfortunate results: It will strengthen Vladimir Putin, let the Obama administration off the hook when Russia misbehaves and set up Republicans as the fall guy if and when U.S.-Russian relations go south.”"
La suite: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/21/opinion/21dowd.html?_r=1&ref=opinion
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