samedi 5 février 2011

Comment freiner le droit à l'avortement: redéfinir la notion de viol...

Un peu inquiétant, mais heureusement une bonne majorité s'oppose au projet de loi...

"Last week, the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," was drawing criticism from all quarters because of the insane way that the language of the law sought to redefine the idea of rape, so that as many rape survivors as possible could be denied the right to a safe and legal abortion. The law would put women who had been drugged or incapacitated or coerced or date raped into a "no deal" category, along with children who had been statutory raped by anyone other than a blood relation. Into the "deal" category were minors who were the victims of incest (but not adults) and anyone deemed to have been raped "forcibly," with the term "forcibly" being open to interpretation."

Et cette phrase pleine de sagesse: "Such a removal would be a good idea, since last I checked, rape by definition is non-consensual," the aide said.

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