dimanche 13 février 2011

Conservative Political Action Conference: les gagnants sont Mitch Daniels et Ron paul!

Le Conservative Political Action Conference permet bien souvent à des candidats de droite, majoritairement républicains, de se mettre en valeur en prononçant des discours. Généralement, les candidats (e) pour une élection présidentielle en profite pour faire valoir leurs idées et jauger le poids de leur candidature. Selon Walter Shapiro du Politics daily, les grands gagnants sont le gouverneur de l'Indiana Mitch Daniels et le libertarien Ron Paul. Jusqu'à maintenant, ils ne représentent pas une menace sérieuse pour le candidat démocrate.

D'autres candidats devraient peut-être s'inquiéter un peu de leurs résultats... Mitt Romney et Tim Pawlenty ont obtenu des résultats moyens ou faibles lors de l'exercice.

Des extraits de l'analyse de Shapiro:

"The three-day Conservative Political Action Conference ended Saturday afternoon with a meaningless presidential straw poll (if you must know, libertarian gadfly Ron Paul won for the second year in a row). But what CPAC really illustrated (and the bizarro straw poll results underscored) is that the late-starting 2012 GOP race remains so wide open that Bob Dole at age 87 might have a plausible chance for a comeback."

"Even though both Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee were too busy with their Fox News slots and paid speaking engagements to appear at this premier celebration of all things conservative, 2008 GOP runner-up Mitt Romney failed to emerge as even a paper-tiger front-runner. In fairness, CPAC has never been Romney's natural constituency. The biggest stir he ever caused at one of these things was when he used this forum to announce that he was suspending his 2008 presidential bid (after edging John McCain in a CPAC straw poll.)"

"By far, the most important speech at CPAC was delivered by two-term Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana at Friday night's banquet. It was an eloquently crafted, intellectually compelling call to arms against the red-ink forces of the national debt. Daniels, who was George W. Bush's budget director, proposed dramatically revamping Social Security and Medicare as he called for "an affectionate thank you to the major social welfare programs of the last century."

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