Je pense que l'auteur se trompe, mais rien est impossible avec Bill Clinton...
""Bill Clinton says that partisanship in Washington is hampering any ability to reach economic solutions for the country," ABC News reports:
"We live in a time where there's this huge disconnect between the way the political system works and the way the economic system works," President Clinton told "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour. "If you want to put people to work, we've got to focus on what works, and what works is not all this back and forth fighting in Washington."
"Conflict has proved to be remarkably good politics," Clinton added. "It's very hard for the people in Washington, who got there based on pure conflict, pure attack, pure ideology, to take it seriously when their same constituents are saying please do something positive. That's not how they got elected."
Too much gridlock in Washington--wow, there's an original observation. And yet it is of some interest that Bill Clinton is saying this, for one reason there is gridlock in Washington is that the current president followed the former president's advice."
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