Un candidat assez préparé? Les appuis du Tea party le sauveront-ils? Une chute aussi spectaculaire que son ascension? On ne s'improvise pas candidat! Je souligne au passage le parcours parfait d'Obama pendant les primaires et la campagne électorale. Son entourage le préparait très bien sur le contenu et il connaissait les faiblesses de ses adversaires sans tomber dans les attaques gratuites. Il faudrait un candidat républicain plus solide pour affronter le Président, c'est la raison pour laquelle je favorisais Hunstman au départ...
"The first line of Rick Perry’s campaign obituary may have been drafted Thursday night: He got in too late.
It’s not quite time for his camp to panic but in his third debate in a month – nearly as many as he’s done in the entire decade he’s served as Texas governor – Perry demonstrated why so few presidential candidates who parachute into the race mid-campaign win the nomination.
Perry gave a foreign policy answer that offered no indication he’s thought about how to respond to threats against America, twice bobbled attacks on Mitt Romney’s well-documented departures from conservative orthodoxy, called immigration hard-liners heartless and, in what was otherwise his best answer of the evening, stretched the truth in the course of delivering a well-rehearsed line about why he mandated pre-teen girls to be vaccinated against HPV.
A more seasoned candidate would be better informed on national security policy, fluent to the point of knowing by heart his chief opponent’s core vulnerabilities, and would never offend his party’s base with such a pointed attack. And a more sure-footed one would have recognized that he couldn’t get away with the claim that he issued an executive order on HPV after being “lobbied” by a cancer victim—because it has been publicly established that he met the victim only after he made the decision.
Instead, after a roaring August start, Perry’s second consecutive lackluster debate performance will reinforce the growing view among some Republicans that he’s not ready for the big leagues."
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