dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Staying cool: l'art de prendre la parole en public

Dans la liste de ses "client(e)s" on retrouve Michelle Obama.

"Along with self-assurance, if you watch and critique videos of yourself, make sure your message is in sync with your audience, dress the part and don’t flap your arms around like a migratory bird, you’re on your way to public-speaking success, Jahnke said."

"Rehearsing ahead of time, Jahnke said, is a very good thing. She calls the happy medium between looking stiff (think Al Gore) and looking too relaxed (think Charlie Sheen) “preplanned spontaneity” and pointed to the performances of both Mitt Romney and Rick Perry in the POLITICO/NBC News debate as “a case study in what to do.”

But even experienced public speakers still need a few tweaks. When Jahnke advised Obama before she delivered remarks to the International Olympic Committee in Copenhagen, she helped the first lady’s work with the teleprompter and gave her tips on carriage.

“After a few practice runs, I noticed the first lady’s posture appeared a bit slumped in the shoulders. She explained that she had been previously instructed to ‘settle in’ when standing at a lectern and demonstrated how she was leaning on it by placing her hands and forearms on top,” Jahnke writes in her book. That was a no-no. Her quick fix was to teach the first lady the “champion stance,” where you place one foot behind the other with the weight on your back leg, and said Obama “immediately felt the improvement.”

And one last tip that both Vice President Biden and former Senate candidate Carly Fiorina might find useful is Jahnke’s “butt rule.” Writes the speaking coach, “No, this is not a special diet to help you contend with the additional pounds the camera lens may add. The ‘butt rule’ is a reminder to comport yourself as if the camera is rolling and the microphones are live even if you don’t think they are. … The butt rule is in effect from the moment your butt hits the interview chair until you leave the studio.”"


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