jeudi 6 octobre 2011

Mariage gai dans l'armée: non selon The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty

C'est la fin de "don't ask, don't tell" dans l'armée, mais de là à célébrer un mariage dans l'armée il y a un pas que certains aumôniers ne sont pas prêts à faire...

"On the heels of the Pentagon’s directive to military chaplains permitting them to perform same-sex marriages both on and off federal bases, some military chaplains are pushing back. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty says the policy change violates federal law and is now calling on Congress to intervene.

In a press release, Rev. Ron Crews, the executive director of the group and Archbishop Timothy Broglio, who represents Roman Catholic priests in the military, lays out the case:

“By dishonestly sanctioning the use of federal facilities for ‘marriage counterfeits’ that federal law and the vast majority of Americans have rejected, the Pentagon has launched a direct assault on the fundamental unit of society – husband and wife.”"

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