Dans la continuité de ce qu'il fait depuis trois semaines. Une conférence de presse à la hauteur.
"He deployed hand chops, finger wags, furrowed brows. He was sarcastic, demanding, partisan.
"I'm not going to cave to the competition," President Barack Obama declared midway through Thursday's news conference.
He was talking about America's economic rivals abroad. But he could just as well have been referring to his Republican antagonists at home.
Obama, so often partial to a measured, professorial mien, opened his hour-plus news conference by throwing down a marker to the Republicans who have dared to dis his jobs plan.
"Why would you be opposed?" he demanded of those who are against his jobs proposal.
"Any senator out there who's thinking about voting against this jobs bill when it comes up for a vote needs to explain exactly why."
Standing ramrod straight, Obama kept up the newly aggressive tone that he's adopted as the 2012 campaign approaches, punctuating his words with the single hand chop, the double hand chop and the bouncing fist.
To enumerate key points, he'd raise a balled-up hand, then extend the thumb, next the pointer and work his way down to the pinkie.
Like a parent admonishing a child, Obama laid out a stern – and utterly unrealistic – "expectation" that every legislator would vote for the jobs bill."
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