lundi 17 octobre 2011

Marines et " KIA (killed in action) bracelets": le règlement, c'est le règlement!

Certains Marines sont en colère en raison de l'application stricte de la réglementation.

"Memorial bracelets have become a regular reminder that the country is at war. President Obama wears one. Most soldiers wear them.

So do a lot of Marines.

And that has turned into something of a problem.

The Marines have always been among the most persnickety when it comes to their uniforms and their appearance. Recently, the Marine Corps Times, which is not affiliated with the service, noticed that some commanders have been ordering Marines to remove their “KIA bracelets,” which are meant to honor fallen service members.

The reason: The Marine Corps Uniform Regulations specifically prohibits the wearing of most jewelry.

Enforcement of that regulation has been spotty, and Marine non-commissioned officers have tended to allow the bracelets. But the article by the Times – which found plenty of Marines who were told they couldn’t have them – has caused an outcry.

At Quantico last week, home to about 6,700 military personnel, including many who have just returned from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, Marines described their fury over the issue. Some noted that the bracelets are sometimes sold by the spouses of service members to pay for the costs of funerals and the needs of a mourning family.

“I came from a unit that lost a lot of men,” said Sgt. Darren Covington. “We wear the bracelets to remember our friends. It shouldn’t be against Marine Corps regulations to remember your buddies ... especially when some guys are walking around here with flashy gold watches.”

Under Marine Corps Uniform Regulations, jewelry is not permitted, with the exceptions of wedding rings, engagement rings, watches and chains, provided they can be tucked under T-shirts. In 1972, the Navy secretary also carved out a special exemption for POW/MIA bracelets."

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