"Chu’s efforts will get a big lift this week when President Barack Obama speaks at a gala celebrating Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month — the first time he’s attended a major event hosted by an Asian-American group since 2005.
But Obama’s appearance won’t immediately smooth things over with Asian-American leaders, who lament that he’s largely ignored their community since taking office in 2009 despite its exploding numbers. The Asian population grew at a faster clip during the past decade than any other minority group in the country.
“We were disappointed he is in his fourth year and hasn’t shown up at any of our events,” said Tom Hayashi, executive director of OCA, an Asian-American civil rights group formerly known as the Organization of Chinese Americans. “We are still seen as a fairly invisible segment of the population, and so we’re beyond being polite.” “If he or his administration feels this is a check-mark moment, that would be a really sad thing,” he added. “We would like this to be the beginning of a new chapter of him being directly engaged with our community.”
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