mardi 26 juin 2012

Contributions financières: nouveau record pour Obama!

Si les gains de Romney le mois dernier ont apeuré quelques démocrates, ils ont également stimulé les dons à la campagne Obama qui a battu le record pour une journée de gains!

 "Vulnerable Democrats in tight races — like Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill — might be downplaying their enthusiasm for President Obama, but a fundraising email sent Monday shows Democratic donors are still excited by the president. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reports that a fundraising email from Obama raised $580,000, the largest single-day online fundraising haul in DCCC history. Obama’s DCCC email was targeted at the Democratic grassroots. Here’s the full text, sent to the DCCC’s list: From:

Barack Obama Subject: This matters If you’re with me, then I need you right now. We’re just days away from the mid-year fundraising deadline — this is the biggest test yet of our commitment to win in 2012. We can’t fall short on this one. Donate $3 or more right now to elect a Democratic majority in Congress. Thanks, Barack"

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