vendredi 21 septembre 2012

The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife: réactions de la communauté scientifique au travail du Dre King de Harvard

Un peu plus tôt cette semaine j'ai mentionné les travaux de Karen L. King sur un papyrus d'origine inconnue qui référait à l'épouse de Jésus. Mme King émettait elle-même des réserves sur le document. Comme il fallait s'y attendre d'autres chercheurs ont commenté. Voici un article du NY Times qui présente les principales réactions.

 "And weigh in, they have. A few said that the papyrus must be a forgery. Others have questioned Dr. King’s interpretation of its meaning. Some have faulted her for publishing a paper on an item of unknown provenance. And many have criticized her decision to give the scrap of papyrus the attention-getting title “The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife,” as if it had equal weight to other, lengthier texts that are known as Gospels.

But even some of those casting doubt are also applauding her work. Many scholars said in interviews that they were excited by the discovery, because if it is genuine, it suggests at least one community of early adherents to Christianity believed that Jesus was married.

 “It’s obviously an important find,” said Carl R. Holladay, professor of New Testament studies at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.%% However, he added, “The circumstances in which it’s come to light really require all scholars to be really cautious about how we proceed.”

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