vendredi 24 mai 2013

Obama et la nouvelle orientation de la lutte au terrorisme

Il fut question de drones bien sûr, mais également de Guantanamo. Le Président fait-il le bon choix lorsqu'il rompt avec la stratégie en vigueur depuis le 11 septembre 2001? Plusieurs républicains croient que c'est une victoire pour le terrorisme...

 "Declaring that “America is at a crossroads,” the president called for redefining what has been a global war into a more targeted assault on terrorist groups threatening the United States. As part of a realignment of counterterrorism policy, he said he would curtail the use of drones, recommit to closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and seek new limits on his own war power.

 In a much-anticipated speech at the National Defense University, Mr. Obama sought to turn the page on the era that began on Sept. 11, 2001, when the imperative of preventing terrorist attacks became both the priority and the preoccupation. Instead, the president suggested that the United States had returned to the state of affairs that existed before Al Qaeda toppled the World Trade Center, when terrorism was a persistent but not existential danger. With Al Qaeda’s core now “on the path to defeat,” he argued, the nation must adapt.

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