jeudi 30 mai 2013

Susan Rcie (sénatrice, Maine): la tuer pour être entendu? Le sens de l'humour d'un membre du Tea party...

 On dira que ce n'était qu'une blague, mais c'est un peu douteux, non?

 "A participant in a conference call sponsored by the Tea Party Wednesday night said the best way to get Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) to listen to her constituents on the immigration reform issue would be to "shoot her," according to ThinkProgress.

 According to ThinkProgress' transcript of the exchange, the statement was met with laughs.

 "I’m from Maine and our Tea Party will be meeting up next week. What is the best way that we can get our senator to listen to us?" asked a caller who identified as Bob from Maine.

 "Shoot her," another unidentified caller responded to laughter.

 "Yes, we will shoot her with…(inaudible) and phone calls," the moderator said."

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