mardi 24 septembre 2013

Angela Merkel élue: victoire pour la "reine de l'autérité" (article dans le NY Times)


 Atténuer la politique d'austérité après l'élection? Pas certain...

 "Bloggers, meanwhile, posted a cartoon that showed Ms. Merkel, a stethoscope around her neck, wagging her finger at a skeleton slumped in a blue chair and ordering, “Exercise, exercise, exercise to strengthen your muscles.”

 For months now, Europe has been waiting for the end of a German election campaign that, while focused almost entirely on domestic issues, stirred furtive hope among those outside Germany that, if re-elected to a third term, Ms. Merkel, despite having given no indication, would try a more energetic, and perhaps more economically stimulative, approach to leading Europe out of its extended slump. The waiting has now ended — and so, too, has any hint of a new approach.

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