lundi 9 septembre 2013

Syrie et États-Unis: une solution diplomatique?

La Syrie pourrait éventuellement placer ses armes chimiques sous supervision extérieur et elle seraient ensuite détruites. Vraiment? Le régime n'a jamais confirmé que la Syrie possédait de telles armes... Stratégie pour gagner du temps? On verra.

 "“We don’t know whether Syria will agree with this,” he said, “but if the establishment of international control over chemical weapons in the country will prevent attacks, then we will immediately begin work with Damascus. And we will call on the Syrian leadership to not only agree to putting the chemical weapons storage sites under international control but also to their subsequent destruction.”

 Such an effort, even if Syria agreed, would be a laborious and prolonged effort, especially since Mr. Assad’s government has shrouded its arsenal in secrecy for decades. As United Nations inspectors discovered in Iraq after the Persian Gulf War in 1991, even an invasive inspection regime can take years to account for chemical stockpiles and never be certain of complete compliance, something that President George W. Bush used to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003."

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