jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Sciences humaines en déclin dans les universités américaine? (NY Times)

Je crois que cette tendance ne se perçoit pas qu'aux États-Unis. Je me reconnais (situation de nos propres programmes et de ma discipline) dans certains passages de l'article. Valorise-t-on toujours la formation des sciences humaines?

 "“In the scholarly world, cognitive sciences has everybody’s ear right now, and everybody is thinking about how to relate to it,” said Louis Menand, a Harvard history professor. “How many people do you know who’ve read a book by an English professor in the past year? But everybody’s reading science books.”

Many distinguished humanities professors feel their status deflating. Anthony Grafton, a Princeton history professor who started that university’s humanities recruiting program, said he sometimes feels “like a newspaper comic strip character whose face is getting smaller and smaller.”"

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