mardi 22 octobre 2013

Tea party et KKK: même combat?

Le représentant démocrate de la Floride Alan Grayson ne pêche pas par excès de subtilité dans sa dernière attaque contre le Tea party. Dans une entrevue et dans un courriel il compare le mouvement aux membres du tristement célèbre KKK. Loin de regretter ses propos, voici ce qu'il a répondu lorsqu'on l'a interrogé par la suite: "If the shoe fits, wear it." Grayson est reconnu pour ses tirades controversées.

 "U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson is ruffling feathers again -- this time with a fundraising appeal that likens the Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan.

 In a campaign email sent Monday, the Orlando Democrat includes the transcript of an interview he did recently on MSNBC -- with the Rev. Al Sharpton as host -- in which Grayson said that the politics of the government shutdown had turned many Americans away from the Tea Party.

 "At this point, the Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan," Grayson said.

The email then takes that comparison one step further by including a photograph of a burning cross with Klansmen in the background. The cross then becomes the "T" in the words "Tea Party" transposed over the picture. Below is the caption: "Now you know what the 'T' stands for."

 Within hours there was a response from Jorge Bonilla, one of the Republicans running against Grayson in a heavily Democratic district that includes Osceola County and parts of Orange and Polk.,0,1030288.story

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