dimanche 2 mars 2014

Internet a 25 ans aux États-Unis: étude du Pew Research Center

Le 12 mars prochain internet aura 25 ans aux États-Unis et pour l'occasion le Pew Research Center nous livre une petite étude. 87% de nos voisins du sud utilisent maintenant le web.

 "The Web’s birthday provides an occasion to take stock of the impact of the rapid growth of the internet since its invention and the attendant rise of mobile connectivity. Since 1995, the Pew Research Center has documented this explosive adoption of the internet and its wide-ranging impacts on everything from: the way people get, share, and create news; the way they take care of their health; the way they perform their jobs; the way they learn; the nature of their political activity; their interactions with government; the style and scope of their communications with friends and family; and the way they organize in communities."


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