jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Do it for Hillary: stratégie démocrate pour les élections de mi-mandat?

Le président Obama est impopulaire alors que Mme Clinton attire l'attention des médias. La popularité de l'ancienne First lady est telle que plusieurs démocrates espèrent que les électeurs (et les généreux donateurs) songeront à lui faciliter la vie si elle devenait présidente en 2016. Pourquoi ne pas lui offrir un Congrès moins républicain?

 "With even the most optimistic Democrats admitting that Republicans are going to keep the House, the reason to stay engaged now, officials and operatives are telling donors and activists, is to make it easier for Hillary Clinton to come in with a majority should she win the White House.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic-aligned House Majority PAC haven’t been alone in quietly making this argument to major donors. The National Republican Congressional Committee has been making a parallel case, urging their own donors not to take the GOP hold on the majority for granted and stop donating because they’ll need to win as many seats as they can this year to build a firewall against Clinton in 2016.

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