jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Il y a de la vie sur Mars: reconstruire l'histoire à Mars, Nebraska

Mars est une petite ville née comme tant d'autres de la poussée vers l'ouest au dix-neuvième siècle. Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres, elle n'est pas disparue.

 "M. J. Morgan, a history professor at Kansas State University, studies forgotten towns in that state, where she said there are about 9,000 of them. The reasons that places thrived or faded vary from region to region, and Professor Morgan said the towns’ stories and the pioneers behind them merited study.

“It’s not sentiment. It’s not being drawn to the whole idea of a lost place,” said Professor Morgan, who is the research director at Kansas State’s Chapman Center for Rural Studies. “It’s very much about the vital lives of people and why they came and what they hoped for and what their dreams were. You read the writings, and people literally believed that their little town would grow to rival Chicago or St. Louis.”

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