vendredi 10 octobre 2014

L'Islam a un problème (Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post)

L'échange musclé entre Ben Affleck et Bill Maher dont je parlais en début de semaine continue d'avoir des retombées chez nos voisins du sud. Après les précisions d'un chroniqueur du New York Times, c'est au tour de Fareed ZaKaria d'ajouter son grain de sel. Si Zakaria reconnaît la diversité de l'Islam, il identifie malgré tout des attitudes et des comportements qu'on retrouve principalement dans les pays musulmans. Êtes-vous en accord?

 "In 2013, of the top 10 groups that perpetrated terrorist attacks, seven were Muslim. Of the top 10 countries where terrorist attacks took place, seven were Muslim-majority. The Pew Research Center rates countries on the level of restrictions that governments impose on the free exercise of religion. Of the 24 most restrictive countries, 19 are Muslim-majority. Of the 21 countries that have laws against apostasy, all have Muslim majorities.

There is a cancer of extremism within Islam today. A small minority of Muslims celebrates violence and intolerance and harbors deeply reactionary attitudes toward women and minorities. While some confront these extremists, not enough do so, and the protests are not loud enough. How many mass rallies have been held against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) in the Arab world today?

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