vendredi 10 octobre 2014

Robert Downey jr: la résurrection

Le Washington Post place ce reportage au centre de sa page d'accueil aujourd'hui. LA carrière Robert Downey jr était en chute libre il y a une dizaine d'années avant qu'il n'effectue un spectaculaire retour.

 "At a time when even the most handsome movie stars turn craggy or plasticine, Downey looks increasingly like a young Al Pacino. A decade after his career was fitted for a casket, Forbes named him “Highest Paid Actor” for the second straight year. That’s an estimated $75 million per annum, or enough to buy 10 of Tony Stark’s translucent oceanfront palaces.

Here’s Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Chaplin, the “poster boy for birth control” (don’t you remember “Back to School”?) reclining on a couch at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. The occasion is what he’d call “the selling of soap” for “The Judge,” the new film in which Downey plays an arrogant Chicago trial attorney forced to defend his estranged and ailing father (played by Robert Duvall) from murder charges in rural Indiana. The drama is the first picture from Team Downey, a partnership between Downey and “the missus,” the producer Susan Levin."

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