jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Keystone XL: un vote rapide au congrès?

Le pipeline représente un enjeu économique et environnemental, mais il ne faudrait surtout pas négliger son rôle dans la stratégie politique des républicains. Complexe pour le président Obama? Oui, surtout si on considère que plusieurs élus démocrates sont en faveur du projet.

 "A large showing of Democratic support for the pipeline could complicate the administration’s decision-making process, given the party’s dismal showing at the polls last week. Environmentalist allies of the president are solidly against the project and have been doggedly lobbying the administration against approving it.

But Republicans successfully used the president’s environmental and climate agenda as key lines of attack against Democrats in several contested midterm races. Those results strengthen the arguments of those who believe that it would be a political mistake for the administration to deny permits for the unbuilt sections of the pipeline, and congressional approval of the project could put the administration on the defensive if it were inclined to halt the project.

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