jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Obama comme Woodrow Wilson? C'est ce que croit Newt Gingrich

Petite comparaison intéressante de la plume d'un homme dont la formation première est celle d'historien. On ne peut cependant oublier que Gingrich est un homme politique, souvent controversé, qui fut, l'espace d'une courte période, un des "speakers" de la chambre des représentants les plus craints. Gingrich est celui qui a mené la charge pendant la procédure de destitution de Bill Clinton. Il a également été candidat lors des primaires républicaines. Obama devrait-il défier un congrès républicain en janvier prochain? Pas selon Gingrich qui rappelle les difficultés de Woodrow Wilson.

 "There are a lot of parallels between the two presidents. Both were college professors. Both liked to hide on a golf course (Wilson holds the record having played more than 1,000 rounds as President). Both were powerful orators. Both had deeply held convictions. Both disliked the Congress.

The collapse of the Wilson presidency after the 1918 midterm defeat is a cautionary tale for President Obama. Republicans gained 25 seats in the House and five seats in the Senate, enabling them to control the Senate by a narrow 49-47 margin.

Wilson did not seem to realize how powerful that Senate control was, even if by a close margin. He also did not realize how deeply senators feel about their prerogatives and constitutional authority.

 Wilson's reaction to the new Republican Senate was to defy it. He went off to the peace conference of Versailles which ended World War I with no Republican senators in the delegation. He wrote the League of Nations treaty (the forerunner to the United Nations) refusing to compromise with Republicans in the Senate."

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