jeudi 5 mars 2015

Hillary Clinton et les historiens: importants les courriels?


 Intéressante la position de ces deux historiens de Columbia University et de Temple University... Un autre angle pour aborder la question de la préservation des documents officiels. Le problème dépasse bien sûr la seule mauvaise gestion de Mme Clinton. Que doit-on faire pour préserver les milliards de courriels émanant du gouvernement américain? Un problème d'envergure qui touche beaucoup de services et une réalité du vingt-et-unième siècle.

 "Even if she had dutifully archived all her correspondence, future Americans still might not have learned much about the Arab Spring or Iran’s nuclear program. The bigger problem is that the government produces an astounding volume of email, much of it classified, and the public doesn’t get to see it unless archivists can preserve and process it.

This is a problem for the entire federal government, as we should have realized when the Internal Revenue Service could not produce even very recent emails to answer a congressional inquiry in 2014. While archiving email presents a technical challenge to the federal government, the Obama administration, to its credit, has ordered that all electronic records be managed digitally by 2019, including records that, in the past, departments would have printed out before sending to the National Archives and Records Administration. That organization itself is already overwhelmed with unprocessed paper records dating from the Cold War."

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