mercredi 24 février 2016

Plaque d'immatriculation anti-musulmans: le Minnesota intervient

L'état du Minnesota est intervenu pour retirer de la circulation une plaque d'immatriculation dont le message semblait dirigé contre la communauté musulmane. Parle-t-on ici d'islamophobie? Possible.

 "The application for the plate, which the state agency released this week amid outcry over its message, notes that “FMUSLMS” — along with the applicant’s second and third choices, “PETALOL” and “8LGTHG” — are the “name of a musical band he is in.”

A prominent U.S. Muslim civil rights group thinks it’s something else entirely: “A symptom of the unfortunate mainstreaming of Islamophobia in our society,” according to Ibrahim Hooper, a national spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations."

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