dimanche 14 février 2016

"The odd couple": l'amitié entre Antonin Scalia et Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Très souvent à l'opposé dans leurs interprétations de la constitution, les juges Scalia et Ginsburg (Scalia deuxième de la rangée du bas sur la photo et Ginsburg dernière à droite), partageaient une amitié étonnante si on la considère uniquement sous l'angle de leur travail à la Cour suprême.

 ""Why don't you call us the odd couple?" Scalia said last winter during a joint appearance with the woman he has called his "best buddy" on the bench.

"What's not to like?" Scalia joked at the event hosted by the Smithsonian Associates. "Except her views on the law, of course."

The two justices and their families vacationed together. There was a trip to Europe where Ginsburg went parasailing, leaving Scalia on the ground to admire her courage but at the same time worry she might just float away."


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