mercredi 7 septembre 2016

11 septembre 2001 et perceptions quinze ans plus tard: les Américains craignent toujours

40% de nos voisins du sud croient maintenant que le risque est plus grand de subir une nouvelle attaque. Parmi ceux qui craignent on retrouve un plus fort pourcentage de républicains. Un portrait de la situation drôlement pertinent, surtout si on le considère dans le contexte d'une campagne électorale.

 "Currently, 40% of the public says that the ability of terrorists to launch another major attack on the United States is greater than it was at the time of the 9/11 attacks, which is the highest share expressing this view over the past 14 years. About a third (31%) say terrorists’ abilities to attack are the same as at the time of 9/11, while just 25% say their ability to initiate a major attack is less than at that time.

The latest national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted Aug. 23-Sept. 2 among 1,201 adults, finds that the growth in the belief that terrorists are now better able to launch a major strike on the U.S. has come almost entirely among Republicans. Today, 58% of Republicans view the ability of terrorists to attack as greater than at the time of 9/11, up 18 percentage points since November 2013."

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