lundi 19 septembre 2016

Les écarts de Trump poussent les diplomates à se compromettre

Généralement pendant une campagne électorale les diplomates américains demeurent très discrets. Cette année c'est de plus en plus difficile pour eux d'ignorer la rhétorique de Trump.

 "As thousands of diplomats gather for the U.N. General Assembly here this week, many are struggling to hold their tongues about the brash billionaire running for the White House, a man who has managed to tick off much of the planet.

“If you represent one of these countries that has been insulted or attacked, you tend to react,” said one Latin American diplomat attending the General Assembly. Speaking of his own background, he told POLITICO, “We are very passionate, and our blood is pretty hot. But we have to play it cool and understand that this is a campaign, and an election, and that we are diplomats.”

 To be fair, Trump's candidacy is testing the norms of plenty of professions, including journalism and psychiatry. But perhaps nowhere are the stakes higher than the realm of international relations."

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