jeudi 8 septembre 2016

L'histoire des courriels d'Hillary Clinton est hors de contrôle (éditorial Washington Post)

Je partage cette position éditoriale du Washington Post. Il ne faut pas négliger l'importance de ce dossier autour de la gestion des courriels, mais on abuse du sujet alors que le directeur du FBI en personne a souligné que la décision de ne pas déposer des accusations n'avait pas été difficile à arrêter.

 "In fact, Ms. Clinton’s emails have endured much more scrutiny than an ordinary person’s would have, and the criminal case against her was so thin that charging her would have been to treat her very differently. Ironically, even as the email issue consumed so much precious airtime, several pieces of news reported Wednesday should have taken some steam out of the story. First is a memo FBI Director James B. Comey sent to his staff explaining that the decision not to recommend charging Ms. Clinton was “not a cliff-hanger” and that people “chest-beating” and second-guessing the FBI do not know what they are talking about. Anyone who claims that Ms. Clinton should be in prison accuses, without evidence, the FBI of corruption or flagrant incompetence.

 Second is the emergence of an email exchange between Ms. Clinton and former secretary of state Colin Powell in which he explained that he used a private computer and bypassed State Department servers while he ran the agency, even when communicating with foreign leaders and top officials. Mr. Powell attempted last month to distance himself from Ms. Clinton’s practices, which is one of the many factors that made the email story look worse. Now, it seems, Mr. Powell engaged in similar behavior."

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