mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Trump responsable du départ du Ministre des finances mexicain?

La visite de Donald Trump au Mexique a divisé la classe politique mexicaine et le cabinet du Président Pena Nieto n'a pas échappé au débat. Une semaine après le passage du candidat républicain le Ministre des finances quitte ses fonctions. Certains observateurs croient qu'il y a un lien entre ce départ et le débat entourant la pertinence d'accueillir Trump.

 "The decision to invite Trump — and then welcome him in near-state-visit style, standing alongside Peña Nieto — had divided the Mexican government.

Some cabinet members, such as Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu, had argued against bringing Trump to Mexico. But Videgaray and others prevailed with Peña Nieto, arguing that the visit could be a chance to defend Mexican interests and calm financial markets worried about how a possible Trump win in November might harm Mexico’s economy.

Since the visit, Peña Nieto has been roundly criticized for accommodating a politician who has relied heavily on anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican rhetoric during his campaign. Opponents in Mexico City plan a protest on Sept. 15, the day before Mexico’s independence day, calling on Peña Nieto to step down."

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