dimanche 16 octobre 2016

Hillary Clinton ne devance Trump que par 4%

Un sondage Washington Post-ABC qui indique malgré une semaine terrible Donald Trump n'est pas loin derrière.Quand on analyse le sondage au complet on constate que les positions sont bien campées et que les deux candidats ne peuvent espérer séduire les électeurs de l'autre camp, il reste quelques indécis. Ce n'est pas forcément une mauvaise nouvelle pour Mme Clinton qui pourra marteler qu'il est très important de se déplacer pour aller voter le 8 novembre.

 "The poll was conducted during one of the most tumultuous periods of Trump’s candidacy, after the release of a video in which he spoke about taking sexual advantage of women and during a time when numerous women have accused him of sexual misconduct.

Nearly 7 in 10 respondents believe Trump probably made unwanted sexual advances, and a majority say his apology for boasts about forcing himself on women on a hot-mic videotape was insincere. Nonetheless, the controversy appeared to have had only a minimal impact on his overall support.

Overall, Clinton leads Trump by 47-43 percent among likely voters, a slight edge given the survey’s four-percentage-point error margin. Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson has the support of 5 percent, and Green Party nominee Jill Stein is at 2 percent. Among registered voters, the poll shows a similar four-point margin, with Clinton at 44, Trump at 40, Johnson at 6 and Stein at 3. In a two-way matchup, Clinton leads Trump by 50-46 percent among likely voters and by 50-44 percent among registered voters."


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