samedi 22 octobre 2016

L'équipe de transition d'Hillary Clinton passe à la vitesse supérieure

Les sondages pointent vers une victoire de la candidate démocrate et le petit comité chargé de préparer sa transition vers la Maison Blanche s'active vigoureusement. Il ne faudrait tout de même pas crier victoire trop rapidement ou ruiner les tentatives de "faire sortir le vote" en sous-entendant que le vote de chacun n'est pas important...

 "Clinton campaign officials insist that the nominee and her staff remain laser-focused on the election. "Our singular focus right now is mobilizing our supporters in order to win 270 electoral votes and elect Hillary Clinton as the next President. No decisions on personnel in a potential Clinton administration would be made until after the election, and any speculation about possible names is premature," Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said in an email.

"Maybe people are worried about jinxing” the outcome, said James Joseph, a tax law expert at Arnold & Porter, who said he's hearing less than he did with the Obama transition. “By September, when the economic crash hit eight years ago, people were fairly confident [that Obama would win], and my sense was that the Obama campaign also started collecting their names and doing some vetting.""

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