mercredi 19 octobre 2016

Moment de vérité pour Trump?

L'écart entre Hillary Clinton et Donald Trump s'est creusé dans les deux dernières semaines et il est clair que ce soir la pression est surtout sur les épaules du candidat républicain. Sera-t-il à la hauteur du défi?

 "But a sense of anti-climax in Las Vegas does not mean this final fight will be drama-free. There is no telling what an increasingly desperate Trump, a reality TV showman whose entire campaign has been an unmitigated flouting of conventional political, cultural and behavioral norms, will do in his final 90 minutes on the debate stage to try and affect a race that appears to be over or, perhaps more pragmatically, to attempt to save face by blaming his dim electoral prospects on an allegedly biased media and the unsubstantiated claims of a rigged election."

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