lundi 10 octobre 2016

Trump déchaîné!

Rejeté par son propre parti Trump se sent libre de dire tout e qu'il pense. Les Républicains ont-ils déjà pensé qu'ils pourraient le contrôler?

 "“No one can be surprised that Trump is doing things that are destructive for the party and that he only has himself to blame for it, for the state of his campaign and Republican chances,” said Kevin Madden, a GOP operative in Washington. “But he's not going to take any of that blame. He's going to blame it on everybody else. But it's not because of this tape or anything Paul Ryan or the establishment or the RNC did or didn’t do. It's because of his own actions. Many people predicted this, that he represented a systemic threat to the party and that's exactly what's played out.”

 Indeed, the establishment set of the GOP has already cast the blame.

“If he loses a presidential election that was so gob-smackingly winnable — if he loses to Hillary Clinton — it doesn't matter if he blames establishment Republicans or a cavalry charge of unicorns,” said Michael Steel, a Republican strategist who worked for former Speaker John Boehner. “He will have lost to Hillary Clinton.”"

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