mercredi 7 juin 2017

La colère de Sadiq Khan

Le maire de Londres s'est indigné des gazouillis de Donald Trump à son endroit. Donald Trump risque-t-il de nuire à la "realtion spéciale" entre l'Angleterre et les États-Unis depuis la fin de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale? Au rythme où vont les choses, le Président américain risque de manquer d'alliés dans son coin.

 "Khan’s indignation is shared by many in the U.K. In the hours after the terror attacks at London Bridge and Borough Market on June 3, Trump tweeted his disparagement of London’s security efforts, while also cynically misquoting its mayor. When Khan’s office pointed out Trump’s misrepresentation of his words, the president hit back by tweeting that Khan’s was a “pathetic excuse.”

 Britons with living memories of past American presidents have been startled by Trump’s attack on the mayor of London at a time when the city was “reeling” — to quote a New York Times headline that was widely, and deservedly, pilloried. The morally upright Carter, the avuncular Reagan, the courtly George H.W. Bush, the folksy Clinton, the gregarious George W. Bush, the eloquent Obama — all of them, to be sure, would have responded to Britain’s grief with vigorous words of support and offers of assistance. They would have invoked the special relationship.

Not Trump. He did nothing of the sort — at least not publicly. London is renowned for its resilience in the face of calamity, and yet, in the bloodied minutes and hours after the attack, civic morale was at a desperate ebb. For the president of Britain’s closest ally to resort to recrimination as his first response was, to Britons, an incomprehensible experience. Had an occupant of the White House ever said anything as unseemly, as uncouth, as devoid of empathy and humanity?"

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