vendredi 16 juin 2017

Trump en colère et Mike Pence consulte un avocat

Les plus récents gazouillis de Donald Trump semblent confirmer qu'il reconnaît être sous enquête pour obstruction à la justice. On sent également une certaine prudence ou nervosité chez le Vice-président Pence qui a décidé de recourir aux services d'un avocat. Dans l'éventualité où Mike Pence succéderait à Donald Trump si celui-ci quitte son poste (démission ou destitution), Mike Pence doit montrer patte blanche et il a joué un rôle central pendant toute la transition. Que savait-il exactement? L'enquête de Robert Mueller continue.

 "As Trump’s No. 2 and as head of the transition team, Pence has increasingly found himself drawn into the widening Russia investigation.

 Pence — along with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Kushner, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and White House Counsel Donald McGahn — was one of the small group of senior advisers the president consulted as he mulled his decision to fire Comey, which is now a focus of Mueller’s investigation.

He also was entangled in the events leading up to the dismissal of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, who originally misled Pence about his contact with Russian officials — incorrect claims that Pence himself then repeated publicly.

The vice president was kept in the dark for nearly two weeks about Flynn’s misstatements, before learning the truth in a Post report. Trump ultimately fired Flynn for misleading the vice president."

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