mardi 15 mai 2018

Échec américain à Jérusalem (NYT)

Après avoir lu un certain nombre d'articles et d'éditoriaux, c'est la position éditoriale du New York Times qui correspond le mieux à ce que je pense du déménagement de l'ambassade. En supposant que la volonté soit sincère, comment convaincre ensuite d'adhérer à un processus de paix américain?

 "Mr. Trump has repeatedly promised a grand peace plan without delivering, and he has now lent America’s weight to this maximalist Israeli strategy. For decades, the United States prided itself on mediating between Israel and the Palestinians. Successive administrations urged a peace formula in which the two parties would negotiate core issues — establishing boundaries between the two states; protecting Israel’s security; deciding how to deal with refugees who fled or were driven away after Israeli statehood in 1948; and deciding the future of Jerusalem, which was expected to become the shared capital of Israelis and Palestinians.

  Mr. Trump’s announcement that he was recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and moving the embassy from Tel Aviv, swept aside 70 years of American neutrality."

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