jeudi 10 mai 2018

Le triomphe matutinal de Donald Trump

Si la controverse fait rage en politique intérieure, Donald Trump n'a pas manqué de souligner le retour au pays de trois citoyens américains qui étaient détenus en Corée du Nord. En pleine nuit le président a réservé un accueil triomphal et souligné l'ouverture de Kim Jong-Un.

 "Plans for a meeting between Trump and Kim mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the two men, who spent weeks last summer hurling threats and insults at one another across the Pacific Ocean. A meeting between a sitting U.S. president and the leader of North Korea would be a historic first, and Pompeo’s first visit to North Korea over Easter weekend marked the first known meeting between a U.S. official and a North Korean leader since then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright met with Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un’s father, in 2000."

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