lundi 13 mai 2019

Apollo 11: les échantillons de Neil Armstrong soumis à de nouvelles analyses

Cinquante ans plus tard le roches rapportées par Neil Armstrong pourraient dévoiler de nouveaux secrets.

 "Several teams will work together to examine the materials inside pristine vacuum tubes that were sealed by astronauts while they were still on the moon. The way the rocks are layered may offer insight about landslides that shape the lunar landscape in the absence of wind, weather and life. Captured gases carry clues about how the material was altered by radiation, which in turn will help scientists understand how long the rock was exposed to light before astronauts boxed it up and carried it away.

Some measurements, like the analysis of the captured gas, can only be made at the moment the canisters are opened. Scientists will spend months rehearsing the experiment on practice tubes containing samples from Antarctica before the big event."

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